How Many Beats Does An Eighth Note Have? (2024)

Arts High School


Answer 1

An 8th note gets 1/8th of a beat

Answer 2

A whole note has four beats. A half note has two beats. A quarter note has one beat. An eighth note has one half of one beat.
Hopefully this helped.

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Realice un eslogan q nos permita hacer conciencia de las normas de bioseguridad basicas q debemos aplicar para evitar el coronavirus y poder disfrutar de nuestras tradiciones y costumbres



¡Cuídate para cuidar a todos!

Mantén distancia, lava bien tus manos y usa tu mascarilla.


En este ejercicio tienes que realizar un eslogan que contenga las normas básicas de bioseguridad en relación con evitar el contagio del coronavirus. Un eslogan es una frase de extensión corta que se crea con un fin específico y es especialmente utilizado en la publicidad comercial y en la propaganda política. Por ejemplo, el eslogan de la marca comercial "Nike" es "Just do it".

En este caso, el eslogan sobre el contagio del coronavirus hace referencia a las acciones que se deben seguir para evitar contagios y a que cuando tomamos estas precauciones también estamos cuidando a todos los que nos rodean.

If you know music, could you know the words for this?


6.BCAB. 12.B

Matching words
1 & 8
2 & 10
3 & 7
5 & 9

hope this helps!

Do you think that Adam Hillman’s arrangements should be considered “real” art? Why or why not?



Art: "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." Adam Hillman's arrangements are pleasing to the human eye, art seems to please, arrangements take time just like a painting or a sculptor, paintings and sculptors are "real" art and they are arrangements of lines and colors. Hillman may not have the canvas like van Gogh did but he does have the imagination that all artists have, the definition of art is just an arrangement of words, is that art? Well, literature is art, so, almost anything could be art, from arrangements, or literature, to the way a room looks.

Hope this helped !Please don't copy paste this, just use it as inspiration to make a piece!


the part of a sound wave that we hear as loudness is





The amplitude depends on how loud the sound will be.

-: Answer :-

It's Amplitude.......

Hope it can help you.........

Please mark me as a brainlist............

Thank you......

true or false. All woodwind instruments require reeds to make sound.


Answer: True

Explanation: Woodwind instruments are a family of musical instruments within the more general category of wind instruments. Common examples include flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, and bassoon. There are two main types of woodwind instruments: flutes and reed instruments (otherwise called reed pipes). The main distinction between these instruments and other wind instruments is the way in which they produce sound.[1] All woodwinds produce sound by splitting the air blown into them on a sharp edge, such as a reed.


Explanation: Gradpoint

can someone please help me with an essay about the development of the music staff ?



les do in ther room ok with the flauour of mango c o n d o m

Look at the central panel of the Portinari Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes. In this painting, Van der Goes relies heavily on?





In this painting, Hugo Van der Goes relies heavily on Symbolism.

Who is Hugo Van der Goes?

One of the most important and innovative Flemish painters of the late 15th century was Hugo van der Goes. Along with painting portraits, Van der Goes was a significant altarpiece painter.

The most famous painter in Ghent in the later half of the fifteenth century was Hugo van der Goes (d. 1482). Although he was frequently hired to create decorations for civic events and official processions, his massive altarpieces, particularly the Portinari Altarpiece, are what made him most famous.

Hugo van der Goes most likely was born in Ghent, where he started working in 1467. After Jan van Eyck, he was the most significant painter from Ghent at the time. His "Portinari Altarpiece" traveled to Florence in 1483, where it left a lasting impression and had an impact on many.

Learn more about Van der Goes here:


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5. Choose one of the pieces of art shown in the unit and create an art critique for the plece. Write at least two paragraphs
in your critique.

Chose one of these art pieces

North American art

South American art

Aztec art

Mayan art

Pre Columbian art



North American art

A number of traditional arts are commonly found among non-urban cultures throughout the world. Examples include weaving, leatherwork, basketry, headdress- and mask-making, and rock painting. Throughout North America, which remained a non-urban region up until colonial times, all of these art forms flourished.

South American art

Latin American art is the combined artistic expression of South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico, as well as Latin Americans living in other regions. The art has roots in the many different indigenous cultures that inhabited the Americas before European colonization in the 16th century.

Pre Columbian art

The term "Pre-Columbian art" refers to the architecture, art and crafts of the native peoples of North, Central, and South America, and the islands of the Caribbean (c. 13,000 BCE - 1500 CE) up to the time period marked by the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. See also: American Indian art.


Mayan or Aztec art would be a great option


They both had great empires and you could elaborate on their empires first and then go on to the beautiful pieces they made

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78-rpm records and synchronization


the right answer on plato


78-rpm records and synchronization


What's the notes name


that’s a whole note!

A definition of rule of thirds (quoted, then summary)



The Rule of Thirds is the process of dividing an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines. This imaginary grid yields nine parts with four intersection points. When you position the most important elements of your image at these intersection points, you produce a much more natural image.

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The biblical subject matter of Marriage of the virgin shows the importance of religion in Italian renaissance culture.


__________ is an inference in the channel of communication

A. Source
B. Feedforward
C. Feedback
D. Noise



The answer is D because noise is kinda like communication

I kinda think it’s c but I think it’s d too

Con quienes y como vivirias estas recomendaciones que ocaciona el deterioro a nuestra ecología como valoras el objetivo que el papá Francisco se propone al publicar esta inciclica


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Aunque olvidaste anexar la incíclica que propone el papa, podemos responder lo siguiente.

Probablemente, esa incíclica a la que te refieras es la llamada "LAUDATO SI," publicada en mayo del 2020.

En esa publicación, el líder de la Iglesia Católica hace referencia a las ideas de otros papas y personajes religiosos que hacen un llamado a los seres humanos a cuidar la ecología y a no hacer daño a las criaturas creadas por Dios.

Yo viviría esas recomendaciones con mi familia, teniendo el mayor respeto y cuidado por el medio ambiente y por la flora y la fauna de mi región, que por cierto es vasta y muy linda. Mi familia y yo hemos denunciado prácticas ilegales que hacen daño al medio ambiente y a los animales, como es el caso de una fábrica que contamina mucho el aire de mi ciudad, y otra planta industrial que contamina el agua. Los hemos reportado ante la autoridad gubernamental local.

Lo que el papá Francisco se propone al publicar esta incíclica es que los seres humanos pongamos mucha atención en el cuidado de la naturaleza y ya no sigamos destruyéndola bajo el argumento de la tecnología y la modernidad industrial.


Las vivire con mi familia,y vivire mis recomendaciones de una manera sinple


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I think it's pattern because there are many pattern used in the exhibit.




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off the stage





beacsue no one can hear you so why look at someone on stage you cant hear

Which word describes organizing spaces in a seemingly random manner?

A. radial
B. linear
C. grid
D. cluster


Pretty sure it’s D!!

I think it is A based because b c and d All describe patterns I don’t think radical Does

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Art was not for personal glory.


Good Answer is artistic how y’all doing this year and how y’all doing this year and how y’all doing this year and how y’all doing this year and how

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Red, Blue, and Yellow


They are considered primary colors because you can't mix any other colors together and get these colors. However, you can mix the primary together to create other colors.

Answer: the primary colors are

Explanation: Red, yellow, and blue

hope this helped

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In teaching music history, music theory, and music appreciation courses, I often think of three types or tiers of listening: 1) affective listening, 2) structural listening, and 3) dialogic listening.

Mowing ques
4 complete sentences.
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Metal has always been the primary material used by civilizations to make weapons. The amount of metal possessed by a nation can greatly influence how a nation is viewed, feared, and respected by surrounding nations. It has been use to make civilizations and weapons and many other things.


Metal has always been the primary material used by civilizations to make weapons. The amount of metal possessed by a nation can greatly influence how a nation is viewed, feared, and respected by surrounding nations. Metal can be used to create strong weaponry for war, or can serve as a form wealth.

When clay is fired so the crystals become fused or glass-like it is which property of clay?

A. Vitrification
B. Opacity
C. Porosity
D. Plasticity



The answer is A. Vitrification. 100% sure ;)

Explanation: Please vote brainliest!

name the note, i need help#5






the note is called G


Hope this helps.

Which of these are features of the northern international style apex


Answer:The use of oil paints to create highly realistic details.


The Northern International style was characterised by detail and symbolism within the object, the concern for both accuracy and great detail was their primary concern; this was a Gothic Style in Medieval art, it's imagery was predominantly religious and eventually gave way to the Early Renaissance style of painting and sculpture.

Answer the following question in 3-4 complete sentences. On the left is a black and white image. The black space appears to be a vase, and the white space appears to be two people looking at each other. On the right is the same image, but the black and white spaces are inverted. Explain what you see in the image on the left, verses the image on the right. What a person sees when looking at the above two pictures depends on what concept?



How has Escher used the concept of space effectively? In the mirrored ball, the objects are varying sizes, which allows certain objects or subjects (ex: man) to appear closer and others farther away (window), creating depth and form. ... Positive space is the area the objects in a work of art occupy.



In the mirrored ball, the objects are varying sizes, which allows certain objects or subjects (ex: man) to appear closer and others farther away (window), creating depth and form. The artist also made some objects curved (ex: bookshelf and ceiling) and receding, in order to show the curvilinear lines of sphere of the mirror. The hand holding the ball, with its two fingers in the forefront, and its others behind, add to the 3dimensional appearance.


the other person is right I used their answer and got 100%

The Reformation resulted in what?
O A. Secular Humanism
B. Gothic Revivalism
C. Renaissance Naturalism
D. Protestant iconoclasm



D. Protestant iconoclasm


Your welcome ;)

The Reformation resulted in several significant changes within Christianity during the 16th century. One of the key outcomes was the emergence of Protestant iconoclasm (option D). Hence option D is correct.

Which involved the rejection and destruction of religious icons, statues, and other visual representations of religious figures. This was part of the broader movement to reform the practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church, led by figures such as Martin Luther and John Calvin.

The Reformation also sparked various social, political, and cultural transformations, but it did not directly lead to secular humanism (option A), Gothic Revivalism (option B), or Renaissance Naturalism (option C).

Learn more about Protestant iconoclasm here


To create a sense of movement in a piece of artwork, vertical lines can be included.
A True
B, False



tue i would think. im not the best at atr.


Name the note, i need help#2



The note is C.


Answer: that is a C note

In what type of film is under-lighting often used? Romance Comedy Documentary Suspense


Answer:any kind of movie but speially a documentary

Explanation-It depends on the quality,title and on how much money and effort can be used.therefore it can be seen in any type of movie depending on above features but documentries are much using it.

How Many Beats Does An Eighth Note Have? (2024)


How Many Beats Does An Eighth Note Have? ›

There are four common type of notes in music: One whole note

whole note
A whole note (American) or semibreve (British) in musical notation is a single note equivalent to or lasting as long as two half notes or four quarter notes. › wiki › Whole_note
is four beats. A quarter note
quarter note
A quarter note (American) or crotchet (/ˈkrɒtʃɪt/ KROTCH-it) (British) is a musical note played for one quarter of the duration of a whole note (or semibreve). › wiki › Quarter_note
is one beat. An eighth note is one half beat.

How many beats are in an 8 note? ›

An eighth note is equal to 1/8 of the whole note and lasts for half of one beat. It takes 2 eighth notes to equal 1 quarter note.

How to count a single 8th note? ›

To count 8th notes , we put 2 notes in each beat, so we total 8 per bar. The easy and common way to do this is to say, “ 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and,1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and…” Importantly, the numbers stay in the same place whether we count quarters or eighths. The words “and” come exactly halfway between each number.

How do you count an eighth note rest? ›

Counting Eighth Rests

When counting eighth notes or rests, count “1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and”. You must count every subdivision. Always count “and” on the second half of each beat to subdivide each beat by two.

How many beats of silence is an eighth rest worth? ›

An eighth rest lasts for one-half of one beat. Therefore, two eighth rests equal one quarter note, just the same as two eighth notes.

How much is 8 beats? ›

How to read a time signature
Bottom numbervalue
2Half beats
4Quarter beats
8Eighth beats
May 23, 2024

What is a single eighth note called? ›

An eighth note (quaver) is 1/2 of a beat. It takes eight of them to complete a measure. A sixteenth note (semiquaver) is ¼ of a beat.

How many beats is a rest? ›

In music, a whole rest is held for four beats. Just as a whole note is held for four beats, during a whole rest the entirety of the note is used as rest.

How many counts is each note? ›

Remember that the whole note lasts for four counts. If we have two whole notes tied together, this means that the note values are equal to eight counts. Practice playing a note and counting 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 and then again 1 – 2 – 3 – 4.

What are the counts for 1 measure of eighth notes? ›

Traditional Rhythm Counting

You would count the beat 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, and so on. In-between you would fill in the word 'and' for the eighth note subdivisions of each beat. A measure of eighth notes would be counted aloud, “1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and.”

How do you count eighth notes in cut time? ›

If you think about it, in Cut Time, an 8th note would be the same as a 16th note in 4/4 time. So instead of 2 notes, you would only have 1. This actually helps us read the music easier because there aren't so many flags on the page from 16th and 32nd notes.

How many beat in eighth note? ›

Lesson Summary

One whole note is four beats. A quarter note is one beat. An eighth note is one half beat.

What is the smallest musical note duration? ›

In music, a two hundred fifty-sixth note, or occasionally demisemihemidemisemiquaver (British), is a note played for 1⁄256 of the duration of a whole note. It lasts half as long as a hundred twenty-eighth note and takes up one quarter of the length of a sixty-fourth note.

Which note has two beats? ›

Half Note Minim

Are all songs in 8 beats? ›

Most of the music you hear every day — popular, mainstream, Western music — is structured in sets of 8 beats (waltz, an exception, is in sets of 6). The 8 count defines the beat because, when you're able to count it, you have confirmation that you've found the beat.

Is a whole note always 4 beats? ›

4 beats is a whole note.

However, it varies as per time signatures. If the bottom number is 4, whole note will have 4 beats, as you see in 4/4 time signature. Whereas, if the bottom number is 2 as per the 2/2 signature or cut time, there will only be 2 beats in a whole note.

What are the 8 musical notes? ›

In the major scale, the eight notes go up the steps from bottom to top. These are the eight notes of the octave. On a C scale, the notes from low to high would be C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. In an 8-note musical scale, some steps can be larger than others.

Which note gets 1/2 beat? ›

A single eighth note looks like a quarter note with a flag. The single eighth note lasts for half of a beat.

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.