News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)

GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1929. DR. MIKE ROBERSON IS FINED ON TWO COUNTS Convicted Of Affray and Illegally Having Whisky In His Possession. 8RD CHARGE DISMISSED (Spania! to Dally News) Durham, July Charged with three minor offenses as the result of an episode in his office Monday night, Dr. Mike Roberson today took the stand in police court to testify that the woman in his company at the time he was arrested had to his office for professional treatment, of her own volition, and that he had been unable to get rid of her after giving her some whisky.

He was found not guilty on charge of public drunkenness, the Judge ruling that he had a right to get drunk, legally, in his private office. Testimony had been Introduced, showing he was drunk at the time. For engaging in An affray with R. B. Green and E.

C. Green, brothers of the woman with him, he was fined $10 and the costa, and for Illegal possession of about four ounces of whisky he was fined $25 and the costs. Evidence showed that the woman, Mrs. Myra Goodrich, a widow of 35, had come to his office that afternoon for treatment. Roberson said she had been drinking, and after insistence on her part, he had consented to give her a drink.

He said he had been drinking a great deal lately. Later, he was unable to get her away, and had called his wife. Mrs. Roberson testified that she had been unable to get her away on account of her drunken condition, and had called on her two brothers, who operate a meat market about fourth of a mile away, to come and get her. The Green brothers said they found Roberson in belligerent mood when they arrived, and took the offensive in the affray that fol lowed, though very much the worse for drink.

Roberson was the loser in this. He displayed left eye that was very much discolored and swollen, while the left aide of his face bore the fruits of losing struggle. The Green brothers said the disfigured features were caused by his falling against the door on being pushed to the floor. Few blows were passed, though there was some scuffling. The Greens were unInjured.

The two brothers were found guilty of an affray, but judgment VAS suspended, Judge Patton ruling that they were justined in going to the aid of their sister. The courtroom was completely Alled, due to RELIEF HAY' to Don't weepy be GUARANTEED a eyes, slave FEVER. sniffling menting nose, sneezes. torRinex checks them like magic. Try it to-day.

See how much better SAFE- -Not Relief or you feel in hour. narcotic or back. money habit- forming. At all good PLATT'S Druggists. 50c $1 $5 PRESCRIPTION Iwant I the interest in the trial.

Mrs. Goodrich was not present the trial to appear as a witness, although her brother, R. B. Green, told of her connection with the case. It is understood that she is tive of Warren county, and that her father was formerly sheriff in that county.

Roberson 18 now under sentence of from two to five years in state prison on the Robinson abortion charge, and 1s now under bond of $4,000 awaiting the decision of the North Carolina Supreme court on his appeal. Worry over this case 1s belleved to be responsible for his drinking lately, 85 he testifled in recorder's court. Roberson and his wife were the only ones to take the stand for the defense today, while the state presented only two witnesses, Officer Sykes, who aided in the arrest, and R. B. Green, 8 brother of Mrs.

Goodrich. ENFORCEMENT LAGS IN WASHINGTON CITY Liquor Arrests Decrease Though Bootlegging Continues With Slight Let-Up. Daily News Bureau and Telegraph Office 623 Albee Building (By Leased Wire) Washington, July -A decrease in the number of liquor arrests of more than 50 per cent, and A sharp decline in quantities seized when arrests are made is exciting comment among officials charged with dry enforcement in the district. While a decrease in arrests was noted after enactment of the Jones law, in March, this does not fully explain the situation, it is said. The decline in the number of arrests after passage of the more stringent law proved to be only temporary.

Within few weeks after its enactment liquor purveyors, who took to cover for short time only, were doing business again. The abolition of the police 1n- former system, the evils of which finally caused even the prosecutors charged with responsibility for enforcement to turn against it, has greatly lessened the number of 11- quor arrests. To the abolition of informers the substantial declines 18 really attributed. Despite the fact that arrests have fallen off prosecutors who handle liquor cases in police court and the district Supreme court are still of the opinion that the informer system was pregnant with evil and that Juries will refuse to convict on the uncorroborated evidence of such agents. Under plans now being perfected, policemen detailed to liquor work as "special agents" are replacing the informers in making buys.

C. H. Pinner, Mars Hill, Is Mount Olive School Head (Special te Dally News) Mount Olive, July 81. The local school board. in called session, has elected C.

H. Pinner, of Mars Hill, superintendent of the Mount Olive public school system, succeeding J. O. Bowman, who recently resigned to become county superintendent of Duplin county. Mr.

Pinner is a Wake Forest A. B. man and took his M. A. at the University of North Carolina.

He comes to the local work with excellent indorsem*nts from the places where he has heretofore taught. At 8 recent meeting of the local board, in conjunction with the county board of education, it was decided to place the control of the local school under the county system, in of the state department present of education conformity with the up to operate the schools in county unita. Iwant to tell you how I coaxed him to eat- If you are tired lack pep--if your skin is not clear if your appetite is "gone" you owe it to yourself and friends to try S.S,S. Rich, red blood builds sturdy health Without plenty of rich, red blood, there could be no strong, sturdy, powerful men, or beautiful, healthy women. When you get your blood cells back let-down up to normal, that sluggish, feeling, loss of appetite, rheumatism, boils, pimples, and skin troubles disappear.

You get hungry again, sleep soundly; firm flesh takes the place of that which was once flabby. You feel strong. Your nerves become steady." S.S.S. is daily helping people regain their strength and charm. Thousands of users have testified to its benefits in unsolicited letters of gratitude.

It helps Nature build red-blood-cells. It gives to Nature what it needs in making you feel like yourself again. A11 Drug Stores sell S.S.S. in two sizes. Ask for the larger size.

It is more economical. SSS Blood Tonic "Once I was worried. Mealtime was getting on my nerves. 1 prepared many appetizing dishes, but John simply would not eat -just 'minced' at his food. Perhaps sometimes a Little grouchy, 1 began to fear he was 'slipping.

What was I so dol Love, home, happiness, bustness success all depended upon an improvement in his condition. The blood tonic idea suggested itself to me. My Druggist recommended S.S.S. He told me that 8.8.8. evas a great blood tonic; that it had been successful for over 100 years; that it was made from fresh vegetable drugs and would not harm the most delicate system.

Also that it would build up the blood and improve the processes by which the body is nourished. I brought home a large size bottle. John agreed to try it. Well, in just a few days 1 could see the diference. His improvement has been so rapid he is going to take several more bottles, and not only that, but he is now telling his friends to take 88.8." Loss of appetite only a symptom It is a known fact that when one's system gets "run-down," they haven't the resistance to ward off diseases.

Loss of appetite is only a symptom. General weakness pervades the entire body. There is no desire to work or play. The Great Copyright 1929 8.8.8, Ca makes you feel like yourself again NUMBER OF LIQUOR CASES DISPOSED OF Judge Cochran, Presiding at Montgomery County Court, Hands Out Some Stiff Sentences. (Special to Dally News) Troy, July Prohibition violations this week continued in the limelight of county recorder's court with Judge W.

A. Cochran presiding and Solicitor Frank Armstrong prosecuting the docket. Judge Cochran dealt out several opinions in whisky matters of considerable interest in this section. In most instances heavy fines coupled with lengthy sentences composed the dispositions. Arraigned on charges of injury to property, George Richardson, arrested last week following a lengthy chase by officers, was sentenced to serve 12 months on the county roads at hard labor.

He filed notice of appeal to B. Superior S. Hurley court and through John his attorneys, Brittian. default the of $500 bond he was remandcounty jail. Efforts are ing made at this time to secure bond, it was learned today.

Found guilty of possession and transportation of liquor, Robert Lee $50 Myers fine was or given an option of paying serving six months on ments county roads. He was making arrange: today to settle the fine. Possession and transportation charges faced Sam Haywood who was ordered to pay 8 fine of $25 or serve six months on roads, by Judge Cochran. Eugene Parker can either pay $25 or serve six months on the of roads after pleading guilty to charges county possession and transporation. acdown cording to the disposition handed by Judge Cochran.

Evidence was insufficient to vict Howard Green on charges of carrying concealed weapon, the court announced. GUILFORD PERSONAL Circle of Friends Church Attends Reception For Miss Knight. (Special to Daily News) circle Gullford, of July Woman's The Gullford missionary society tended of the Friends church atand the reception given by Mr. Mrs. Olive Knight in honor of Mr.

Knight's stater, Miss Loretta Knight, of Guilford College, who will go as a missionary to Mexico in August. She will be located at Victoria. Prof. C. R.

Byrd and family have returned from a two weeks' stay in the mountains of western North Carolina. They were accompanied home by Mrs. H. G. Byrd and two children of Sylva who will some time here.

spend E. A. Pleasants, Wendall McCracken and John Brown started Sunday to Beaufort where they will spend several days on a fishing trip. Mrs. A.

J. Marshburn and son, J. of Guilford College, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wakefeld Tuesday evening.

Mrs. M. E. Glasgow and Miss Mary Glasgow have returned to their home near Bunker Hill after week's visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Teague. Rev. Raymond Lanier, of Bessemer, preached at the Baptist church at o'clock.

He will All the pulpit each Guilford Sunday afternoon at three Sunday afternoon in the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. W. Woodco*ck, who de away on his vacation. The Baptist Sunday school and B.

Y. P. U. will go on a picnic to Thomas' pool on Thursday afternoon. Mrs.

J. B. Hackney continues slowly to Improve from an attack of pellagra. J. B.

Hackney, has returned from Siler City where he spent several weeks at the home of his grandparents. Thomas Wakeneld, Clyde Pleasants, and Mrs. A. Pleasants will start to Beaufort and Rachel Hedgeco of Bunker Hill Misses Helen and Esther a Glasgow are visiting Miss Maxine Teague at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Teague this week. I. C.

Edgerton, of Atlanta, spent. the Arst of the week with his brother, Mr. L. H. Edgerton.

He with Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton went to the mountains Tuesday. Mrs. John Brown had as her guests Tuesday her mother, Mrs.

8. G. Robinson, her brother, Raymond Robinson and her sister. Miss Edna Robinson and Mrs. F.

M. Robinson, all of Woodlawn, Va. Miss Edna Robinson will spend about two weeks with Mrs. Brown. Mrs.

E. W. King and her daughter, Mrs. G. N.

Simpson, went to Spencer Wednesday afternoon where they will attend the funeral of Charles T. Wagoner who with his companion, Clarence Tate, of Salisbury, was drowned in the surf while swimming at the ocean beach near Jacksonville, Tuesday. J. C. King is spending a few daya with his aunts, Mrs.

J. E. Shaw and Mrs. A. M.

Cook, of Mebane. Mrs. S. H. White, of Glenwood.

who underwent an operation for appendicitis at Long's hospital recently, is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coggins, while she is a convalescent.

Robert Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaw, who is serving in the navy has written his parents from China where he arrived recently after having spent some time at Manila in the Philippine Islands. Robert Vandervert who graduates from Gullford college this summer took dinner with his room mate. Curry Spivey at the home of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Spivey, Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. J. T. Stout and daughters, Misses Beulah and Wilma Stout, of Greensboro, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

W. C. Spivey, The Sunbeam band and the Women's Missionary society met at the Guilford Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Rites For Miss Ida Smith Held At Antioch Church (Special to Daily News) Burlington, July Ida Smith, age 50, highly respected lady of Teer, died Saturday in Watts hospital, Durham, where she had been a patient for three months. The funeral was held at Antioch Baptist church, near Chapel HIll, Sunday afternoon.

She was devoted member of that church. Revs. Bryant Carr and E. C. Byrd had charge of the service.

The body was interred in the church cemetery beneath a beautiful mound of flowers. Miss Smith 1s survived by one brother and two sisters -Robert Smith, Mrs. R. L. Andrews, and Mrs.

W. M. Ferguson. A number of nephews and nieces also survive. among them Mrs.

H. L. Isley, of Burlington. Record Number Registered At U. N.

C. Summer School (Special to Dally News) Chapel Hill, July 31. -The enrollment at the second term of the university summer school reached 911 yesterday and set a new high record as registration was closed yesterday afternoon. The attendance for the second term last year was 905. A large percentage of the 911 remained over from the first term, at which 75.2 per cent of the students were teachers.

Director N. W. Walker and other officials are highly pleased that so many teachers are taking advantage of the whole 12 weeks' summer instruction. The enrollment at this 1,615, year's first term, recently closed, was making the total for the two terms 2,526, N. C.

PARENT TEACHER INSTITUTE NEXT WEEK More Than Hundred Expected At Annual Event At University of N. C. BIG PROGRAM PLANNED (Special to Dally News) Chapel Hill, July of many of the 300 parentteacher associations of the state, which now have membership of some 20,000, will assemble at the university next week for the annual seasions of the Parent-Teacher institute. An attendance of more than 100 18 expected. A comprehensive and interesting program has been worked The Institute will get under way with registration at 9 o'clock Monday morning and will continue through noon on Saturday.

It is to be held under the joint auspices of the university extension division of the North Carolina Parent-Teacher. association. National and state leaders will be in charge. The program combines intensive study, both for advanced students who attended last summer and for beginners, with number of recreational advantages. Mrs.

Charles E. Roe, field representative of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, will head the staff of instruction. Mrs. Roe will conduct one-hour classes at 9 and 11 o'clock each day for lectures on different phases of Parent-Teacher organization and methods, and will also conduct class each day at 12 o'clock for the advanced students. Mrs.

Marion M. Miller, national representative of the Child Study Association of America, will have the hour from 10 to 11 o'clock each day for lectures and round tables on child study. State leaders will have charge of the program at the 12 o'clock hour daily. Mrs. Raymond Binford, state president, will speak on Monday on "The State Organization." Mrs.

C. O. Burton, state treasurer, will speak on Tuesday and Wednesday on "Local Finances." Prof. Harold D. Meyer will lecture on "Program Making" on Thursday.

Mrs. Raymond Crowder and Mrs. Arthur Watt will be In charge on Friday and Saturday for discussions on "State There will be demonstrations of Dennison craft by A national sentative each afternoon, or those attending will have the option of attending selected university classes or conferences with Mrs. Roe, Mre. Miller and Mrs.

Binford. Vesper services will be held under the venerable Davie poplar on the university campus each evening at 7:10 o'clock. Mra. Miller will give an evening lecture at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday, and Mrs. Roe on Thursday, and there will be a reading on Wednesday night.

M'DOWELL B. AND L. STOCKHOLDERS MEET Report Shows Association In Good Condition--Board Re-Elected, Officers Named, (Special to Daily News) Marion, July -A meeting of the stockholders and directors of the McDowell Building and Loan Association was held at the courthouse Monday evening at 8:30. There are 376 share-holders in the association, with more than five thousand shares of stock now in force. A majority of the stock was represented at the annual meeting.

J. E. Neal. secretary, read resolutions of respect for the late D. E.

Hudgins. a director of the association, one of the largest stockholders and attorney for long number of years. On motion, W. R. Chambers was elected director and attorney to succeed Mr.

Hudgins. Mr. Neal submitted his report for the year just closed, showing the condition of the association to be thriving. The report was unanimously adopted. On motion the entire old board of directors was re-elected, the election being unanimous.

The directors are J. L. Morgan, J. E. Neal, William W.

Sweeny, J. Q. Gilkev, M. Bradley, Chambers, Sprinkle, A. Hunt, E.

H. Dysart, J. H. Tate and Morris. After the transaction of routine business the stockholders' meeting adjourned.

The board of directors met immediately and elected the ident: following officers: J. L. Morgan, presQ. Kilkey, vice president; J. F.

Neal, secretary and treasurer; H. D. Hoover, assistant secretary. Hail stones weighing more than four pounds were reported from Cazola, Spain, during remarkable storm in 1829. GETTING SKINNIER EVERY DAY Hollows in Cheeks, Neck and Chest Growing Deeper Every Week Someone Ought To Tell Him How To Gain Pounds of Solid Flesh And Look Like a Real Man Tens of thousands of thin, rundown men yes, and women too are getting discouraged--are giving up all hope of ever being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong.

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News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.