Clovis News-Journal from Clovis, New Mexico (2024)

ttractive Blonde Held Tex Thornton Slaying lessted Nation ipitoi HINGTON at- i 18-year-old blonde is icld here by park police nection with the mys- aying of W. A. (Tex) xm, 58, in Amarillo, June 22. ctive William Gunter eportcr the woman was by federal park police request of Amarillo ities. er said she gave the of Diana Heney Johne said she had lived in her of cities over the but had been mostly detective said she was ifed last night after police hecked Amarillo cities.

He said Texas of! expect to come here to I her to that stale. woman vyas turned over lo of police because do nOf have dclcnlion VOL. 268 10 Pages CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1950 PRICE Lewis, Operators Agree To Try Again WASHINGTON I'resldent Truman's coal fact finding hoard today won agreement from John Ij. Ixnvis and the coal operators lo try again for agreement on a coal contract through negotiations. I hey Operalors indicated less optimistic.

The hoard's proposal cjime after a somewhat stormy hour and a half of hearings during which Lewis once called coal man Geo. The new bargaining sessions were, H. Love "a liar by the clock." sel for 2 p.m. (ES'H with board Cole asked whether Lewis ever members sitting in as observers. Board members were optimistic that, the whole coal dispute might be settled before nightfall.

David Cole, chairman, of the board, had remarked he believed an agreement might be reached "in two or three hours." Lewis said it was "possible." had presented any specific contract demands to the mine operators. Love said he was informed by Cyrus S. Ching (federal mediation chief) that, "it was the union bargaining technique to say that 'you men own the mines, I have the men in the palm ot my hands were do you bid?" Lewis jumped up and leveled off at Love across the table: "That's an Infamous and deliberate lie, I said we represented the men. I say lo you George Love, you're a liar by the clock." Cole tried to interrupt. Love protested; "I don't want to go into personalities, Mr, Cole." "Why not?" Lewis "Why not?" Cole restored calm and the hearings went on.

The chairman announced just be- Hogs Go High In Breeder's Soring Sale Eighteen buyers from West Texas and Eastern New Mexico moved into the Southwestern Swlnn Breeder's association's spring sale hero Tuesday afternoon, leaving; $2,665 for 20 head of registered swine In the association's best sale. Some 400 buyers and spectators witnessed the two-hour event, nnd saw a bred Hampshire Rill consign-, ed by E. W. Bnllew of Clarendon,) shouted. sell for show's high-; Jackie Dosher of Farwell.

I "MERCY SLAYER tfR.EEb— arc character studios of Carol Ann Paighl who was freed last night by a jury who deliberated less than five hours over whetnfcr? she was guilty of the "mercy slaying" of her cancer-ridden policeman father. She lapsed early during questioning while on the witness stand. (NEA Tclephotos) Carol Ann Will Return To College After Rest BTttDGBPORT, Conn, ff Carol Ann Pnlght, nrqultlcd In tho mercy of clnomcd father, planned today to return to collcRc as soon as slip rest up from (he ordeal of her (Hal. ARILLO, Te.v. Murder os were filed here today it a Detroit couple in the illo tourist court slaying of (Tex) Thornton, famed oil explosive expert.

fore the Lewis outburst that the board not take formal testimony, but would Instead question the principals In public hearings to determine the facts. 21 gilts, and three boars sold for an average of $102.50 for the breeder's second best sale in terms of cash. pleaded temporary Insanity, was Ing. termed the verdict, "just, nnd fair," but ndded: "This la no precedent, for a mercy killing, in my opinion." He said the case tried solely- on the Issue of whether Carol was Insane at. the time of I he shoot- feed a ury of 12 Slate's Ally.

Lorln W. Willis do- nrcnls clincd sco "ewnrncn. He sent Austin Brooks asMdatlon yhe onl her flrsl niBhl nl "omcworH that, he had no comment. tary, acclaimed the sale the association's best as far as quality was concerned. In this way, Cole said, the board i The sale average topped the i could speed up its report lo t.hej average for the association's full "if one Is necessary." sale lost August by and lip- He did not elaborate on thati (he average for a year ago es.

Park police are federal es primarily charged with peace in all parks and buildings of the capital. said the woman first aped a park policeman Jan. 9 olunteered a story that ie described as her husband lied a man Texas. i detective salt, police were of her account and placed: i a hospital for as released 12 days later, fen, Gunter said, she ap- tlhefl another park police- last Sundajyui'd repeated the except this time she said ind of hers had killed a man marillo. Her said the woman told this and a male companion were hiking across New Mexico they were picked up by -iton last June 22.

They stop- a tourist court in Amarillo. 'eft the room and then heard ri noise. She returned to fintij on the floor with her anion on lop of him, beating nlon with a pistol and chok- im. The pistol, she told police, ley laid Thornton on the bed. his money and left in the 's car 1 and drove to Dodge her story continued, they separated and the 'an came east while her com- was supposed to have head- lowarrl, Fla.

told her story in detail to (ctive Sgt. C. Apfelbeck of police and Gunter. jlicc said she told them she surrendering because she was jful her erstwhile companion Id locate her and rio her harm, -inter said Ihe woman first told she was 20 years old. Later said, she told them she was in Los Angeles, on Aug 931.

he Federal Bureau of Investig- later said a complaint was News-Journal Staff Photos against the woman and BARROW CHAMPION'S: Jack Porter, will Id A. Johnson in Fort Worth, statement. President Truman has asked a report by Monday. The board had some informal sessions with'Lewis and the coal operators Tuesday. In nearby Stamford since she shot! Tho Jury deliberated four hours her father, Police Sgt.

Carl 51 minutes before foreman Judith last Sept. 23 as he slept in Stam-1 Mcmhiml, 52, announced the, ver- I room at the verdict despite lor Judge Johti Cornell's stern warning against any demonstration. Jury members refused say how many ballots they took. They said they pledged secrecy. Carol, perspiring beneath photographic lights nfler the verdict lold newsmen she would return to Now England College at Hennlker, N.H., as soon as she rested.

Mrs. Mary Paighl, 62, widowed, by her daughter's mercy bullet, Bandits Rob Phoenix Bank PHOENIX, Two armed robbers escaped with an estimated $130,000 in currency after a daring holdup of the Bank of Douglas here early today. James Wise, vault teller was forced at gun point to open the bank's vault, said the took the money in bills of $100 denominations or smaller. The two robbers caught a janitor, Clinton Kade, outside the bank shortly before 6 a.m., and forced ihim to let them in the building. I When Wise entered about, an hour slater, one of the men confronted him with a gun.

Wise when he told the man he didn't know if the time lock had been released, the man replied "the time Is oft." Wise opened the vault and gave I them the money. He and several I other employes who had mean- while reported for work were lock- by $3.80. Raymond Worrell and Sons of Clovis was the show's heaviest consignor, selling seven bred Duroc 1 gilts for $757.50. Jess Hicks, Canyon. paid the show's greatest total of $297.50 for two bred gilts and a boar.

Ben Davidson and Nelson Ainsworth of Milnesand, owners ot the Clovis Hog company, paid Ihe show's second high of for a bred Hampshire gilt, which will be used as a 4-H and FFA sow. Plans of the two are to return the animal to each association sale, and contribute each pig of its Ht-j ters lo members of the farm youth' organizations. ford Hospital. diet. The trial lasted two weeks, (broke down In eonvluslvo sobs at "Oh God," the attractive six-foot! Carol was charged with second i the Verdict.

Then she said; "I'm so girl sobbed at the verdict. She was'degree murder. She would have happy. 1 could die." She stood near collapse, gone lo prison for If conviclecl.istaunchly behind the girl through- Her attorney, David Goldstein, Light applause swept the court- out the trial. ALL-TIME HIGH Russ Undercover Activity In United States Reported i WASHINGTON, ff Russian undercover activity In Iho Unltett Atomic Energy Committee.

The led in a closet, in the vault room. bandits fled. They were released by Tom Spencer, a bookkeeper who entered the bank shortly afterward. Motor Co. Is Looted Here A 400-lh.

safe containing; $500 in cash and $1000 in checks was found blasted open In an aband- States was reported today at nn committee's lawyers have expres all-time high. The report come from a lawmaker familiar with evidence on the Klaus Fuchs case which FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover has been placing before Congress. Hoover, seeking enough funds for at least 300 more G-men, was isald to have told a Senate Appro- iprlallons Subcommittee there nre nnd fellow Boiled gravel pit iVboiit two miles ln thls country, 54,000 of'them card southwest of Clovis at 11 o'clock carrying party members. Wednesday morning.

He fl1so ls understood to have said scd doubt that, treaties between the two nations would permit extradition, Hoover's appearance on capllol hill yesterday was his third in five days. Chairman McCarrnn (D-Nev) oC the appropriations' group -declined to confirm that Hoover had os- The safe, stolen from the Dunn Bros. Motor company, 220 Mitchell, early Wednesday morning was discovered by Police Chief George Ray and Patrolman Charles Hawkins acting on a hunch. A half hour later, Patrolman ry found a 19'16 pickup stolen from thc motor Citv police, the "Maricopa om an arkofl W- Second sheriff's office and Arizona High-' between oncs and Davis, way Patrol were trying to track i truck hv tno thieves in down the men from vague descriptions. Police had only vague descriptions of the men.

One was said to be about 32-35 years old, about. 150 pounds and between 5 foot 8 and 5 foot 10 inches tall. He wore light tan trousers and a dark brown jacket and carried a .25 caliber automatic. The other was said to be 25-30 years old and about the same size. Ho wore work clothes.

Both men wore gloves. Bank employes said getaway, had been left in the build- that Fughs, the British scientist now under arrest In London for passing atomic secrets to Russia, had many opportunities to carry out his operation here. Fuchs conins up for trial Krl- day, chnrired with two violations of tho official secrets act. Officials here sny these Involve two leaks of atomic Informa- KiJNxIa onco here in '(MS and thc other in Britain In 1017. tlmated number of Communists In the United States, as reported by other lawmakers.

But he did tell reporters that an Investigation conducted by a judiciary subcommittee which he also heads "confirms the figures." 1 McCarran Is chairman of an Immigration group studying a btl) designed to btir subversive aliens from U.S. entry. Special Stamp Issue Dealings Force High Official To Quit l-M 4 I IIU.YI IV.JV Ml IS V4 I I II ing overnight with the key in Its hr -JS-year-old ignition. To drive it from the build- 1 tis! anlf! lo (llls country In ing, the robbers had to jack it up 1943 membcr of a Brltlsh and turn it around. alomii' toam.

Me remained in the A jagged hole, one fool in rlin-. Unitefl Stales unlil 194t6 liari hnnti tllO I IIDC 8t UlO LO Grand Champion barrow of the Clovis FFA chapter's-, one of the men was a Negro. baiTovv show here Tuosda a heavyweight Poland China, lasl July 5 charging them biUTOW show hero Tuesday morning. The animal Was Police said it was not known the theft of a 1949 Chrysler (1 olrrht Pnlanrl rh a nr a r-hamninn nf its ow the mpn lpfl bu lhc wcrc in. he FBI said Ihe complaint ac- I he pair of driving the car Amarillo to Dodge City about 22.

The car was recover in sas JUMP 2-1, agents said. IIP FBI said the woman lold ins she married Johnson in PM City. Utah. Feb. 12, 19-17.

nts been seeking the nan and Johnson on the car I. charge. woman was taken into last night by park police de- IVPS Porter M. Benlc and Philip Beale said HIP woman them a big roll of bills was from Thornton's clothing that she was given $150 of the ey. i meter, had been dynamited 1 10 nme al 1C os Alflm concrete bottom of Ihe safr.

vhich' alonllc project, was Iwo feel square and throe Senator Ferguson U-t-Mlch) disclosed last night that he Is asking Attorney General McGralh to try to extradite Fuchs from Britain for trial before an American court. He said such a procedure would provide the "best deterrent" to (I Of State Miners Idle Class Today By The Associated Press WASHINGTON. Sccrp- tury of Stale Acheson today ruled out any now overtures to (lilssiii nn international control of atomic ucnpons, including thc hydrogen super-bomb. Acheson States should feet high. A milkman, 1'uiil Dunklcfs, 2001 spotted the open front door of thr company office, when be began his rounds at 1 Passing Ihe building agiiln nn hour later, Danklcfs nolcci the door wah still open and finally al 6 o'clock he decided to notify the'police, Present at the scene as police officers and Sheriff Bill Collins search for clues was W.

T. Dunn, owner-operator of. the motor com pany. Several coins, totalling cents, were all that was recovered 1 from the wrecked safe. Thc coins iwere found logded in the gravel The Floyd Lions Club, with It.

31 nearby. charter members, received thfiirj Entrance to the building was new charter at a barbecun dinner- gained by breaking a side window meeting in the Floyd high school In the lubrication room. Dunn said, gymnasium Tuesday night, thieves then apparently left report made today by C. 1 through the front door. Ihat will hp Ihe host way to do "Doc" Conover of Clovis, Dis- Police reported rounding up "But." ho added, "four years of trict Governor.

Approximately 225 several suspects for questioning. nroueht us 1 were present, nnd all Lions Clubs in The yeggs apparently used com- mougnt us to me nlcd ))fmy tQ transpor lhc safp dent of the. anf prepare it for blasllng. Portales Lions Tlme tho ro bhery was set be- breed. is Bruce Merrill and his mediumweight Hampshire, which was named Reserve Grand Champion.

Both animals will bo shown in the El Paso Livestock Ex- A I innC Tllin post ion Fob 16. riUjfU UUllO VIUU Acheson Rules Out Any New Receives Charter Overtures To Russ On Control atomic espionage in the Uniled Slates. Such move already has boon exploded by Ihe Senate-House Steelworkers Send Fat Check To UMW WASHINGTON A high post official has liy connection with doaliitKis In special stamp INSUCN which reportedly cool "investors" lumdredH of thousands of dollars. Postmaster General Donaldson confirmed last, night that Harold F. Ambrose, his special assistant in charge of public relations, was asked to resign and did 6n Jan.

11. Donaldson would not discuss the case In detail. Mo said It. was "still under investigation by the post office inspectors." He did say tie requested the resignation after getting reports Ambrose had offered to act as agent for buyers of large blocks of commemorative stamp Issues. Ambrose, married to a nieco of Senator O'Mahoney (D-Wyo), was said to have entered the post office department's information section in 1033, when the Senator was first assistant postmaster.

Tho special assistant's job Ambrose held pays $10,000 year, Mrs. O'Mahoney told newsmen lust night that Ambrose had gone to thr Senator and reported being "In a Jam." O'Mahonoy'n iul- vlco Mild, Was to te-ll thc full story to Donaldson, then null. There had been reports postal had promised 50 per cent profit In 00 days to investors In eastern cities who went, in on a scheme to buy and sell special trying 1'ITTSIH'RGII I'nllod StcHworkern today $500,000 check lo the United "to assist the il their families i their N(niggle, against thn coal President Philip Murray of Tho. CIO st UOB said dose to $100.000 knowledge, out of the Officials said they understopfl Ambrose used post office stationery, but they said no government funds were involved In any. way, No charges have been filed, they said.

Reporters trying lo reach Am'- brose found his telephone numbcjr Is not listed. There were reports-It was removed from the phone book, after his wife was besieged by calls from Investors seeking their money. Ambrose is In his late comes from Winchester, now lives In a Virginia suburb of Washington with his wife and five children. He was not available for comment, Fred S. Oowder Father Of In Vernon Fred d.

CrowdiM 4 father of-'Ray Crowder, Curry qounty clerk, diet! in Vernon, about 6 o'clock this Wednesday morning a sudden Illness. A former resident of thie. Center community. Mr. Crowdep to Vernon about eight year's ago and had bean in health until his sudden illness.

Funeral arrangements have on the basis of that, been made for Thursday afler oriml by the (itoclworknrs exce- broughl us to Ihe llllb thai is not possible." Leroy i Acheson spoke directly in com- sponsoring said the 1'nitpd' meniing on recent Senate speeches opened the meeting after the din- (ween Iwo and four o'clock this whu. he rail- hv Chairman Mc.Mahnn (D-Conn) ner was served and; morning Dunn rep orled thai his Ml)rray Honl king them contributions no r.on- of New Mexico's 900 union were idle today. The only; ed self reproach in cnnnpciimnMih of tho CVingrr-ssional Atomic then turned the program over wa hnian, V. L. Bradley, IiSW atomic weapons He said this gy Commission and Chairman Ty-.

Calloway Taulbee who acted as: natj discoveref nothing amiss when 0 make iwldltloiml Mntrl might American action dings nf Ihe Armed toastmasler. A goodly part of the a rouliiip check at 2 a.m. 0 tho nilnren in tholr in a sirring American Spruces Committee. program was musical number pre-. atr olmen Adkins and Terry re- tract no work" utrllie.

noliO. Mr.Mnhnn proposed a fne-year, "lu portpfi al lhe safe Murray a The secretary's remarks were S50 000.000,1)00 American crusade -IMUUIUS ui in.a pj up 1y me ans of heavj Owens. Kpcrctarv treasure. Mc.Mrihnn proposed a five-year, The secretary's remarks were S50000.00o,i)00 American crusade in the slate still operating Wagon Mines-small inde poaco. including international Buchanan.

D. D. Archer of Artesla, deputy in a cunl'erence dis- for indent operations. of alomic Tydings L. nat Ho lrl ncnvsmen that if this urged that President Truman call in(y now lfln tpr lUmon mmcis in the Raton area country can reach Ms goal of a world conference for disarma- to report for work Monday pencp the n) ss agroernpul men).

haven't worked since. '(iallup area miners followed suit Al Marliid. about loo off the job Siv hundred are Ic at Raton and 2(Ki at Gallup. NOTICE TO NKWS-JOrKNAI. SI BSCKIRKK.S IN CLOVIS 'f you do not receive your cop.) if the DIAI 3131, )elween huiirs of 5 31) p.m.

and :00 p.m. und 7:30 in. to a.m. on Sunda). 'Hi- tit' M-nl nut ''cial rarrjcr.

Keiiieinbt-r carrier upon paMiifiit oij for his profits. His collec- ion are and each week. Tlease oorrei-t his collet-lion call. ThanU Npi, Circulation iJept. I LATE NEWS BRIEFS Young Wife Stabbed To Death With Bayonet WASHINGTON A 'iuth birthday party for a mother of two (Milled early today whrn she was killed by Japanese bayonet thrust a bathroom door liy her husband.

The uctim, Mrs. Mu.VtriS), Kame.v, died with her head cradled in Ihe lap of a friend while her husband, Frederick Randolph Huiney, Tt, laj weepinj; on the living room floor of their apartment. means of chains and loaded by a hoist onto the pickup truck. i County Bond Sales Increase Secret Noil Underground Being Probed l''KAMvl''l KT, (ieruuuiy American aic'iits discloiied today lire invekliKalint; a secret iiiul' -rsjroiind orKutilxalion uiiiliitiiiK for a hrund of Ilitler'siu in deriiiany. nt the underground Kroup is iinknovMi.

allied uffii-lal called dunxeroiis." ailing il.self "Kalalioinhe Sehelnwer- fer" i alacoiul) Hefteelori. llu- underground hits its heudiiiiiitit* somewhere in birthjilaec of Hitler's Mails organization. American officials said. president; Herbert Lubke, vice-president; Johnny Morgan. 2nd vice-president; Leon Luce.

3rd; Medlock.l secretary; George Deen, treasurer; Fo.v Jones, Lion Tamer; Glen Wid- encr, Tail Twister; and Karl Watkins. Leon Nash, R. C. Morgan and Curry county residents invested Wi'briie Starr, board of directors. in U.

S. Savings bonds at As Tuesday was the "umpteenth" issue price during 1940, the trea- birthday of Gov. Cqnover, members sury department has informed of the Portales Lions Club prnsonl- Rwt-e Cagle, county chairman. Of ed him with a fountain pen and the total, $378,078 was placed in pencil adorned with the Lions series Murray a letter to John Owens, secretary treasurer of HIP I saying he "the financial and moral support" will be helpful ''in bringing ultimate victory to the United Mine Workers." I was promise. While parly Investors re their promised pro- were loft with losses of over when the scheme blew up.

Mrs. O'Mahoney said Ambrose "didn't make a dime," to her X-Ray Deadline Has Been Extended A Day Deadline for x-ray in the Vornn- herg aniK-x. K. Fourth, has been extended a day lo include Friday, Dr. II.

D. Newman, district health noon at 2 o'clock (Texas Time) In Vernon, with burial in Klrkland, Texas. Ray Crowder was called to his father's bedside Monday afternoon. Mrs. Crowder left for "Vernon this morning.

J. L. Baldwin Rites Are Set For Friday, Burial Will Be Here services for James Lloyd Baldwin, 26, of 1518 West. 2nd ty will be In Texico. U.S.

Missionaries Vanish In Moravia Czechoslovakia, The I'. S. embassy announced it has that two American Mormon missionaries officer, announced today. street who died In, tho Hours at thp portable unit arej Veterans Administration hospital 3-6 p.m. and 7-i) p.m.

Amarillo, will be held at 3:30 Wednesday and Thursday mobile Friday at the Church of God unit which is touring Curry conn- Christ on West Grand, conduct-. ed by I ho Hev. Charlie Morrjs. Burial will bo In Mission Garden q( Memories with Steed Funeral Home handling arrangements. Baldwin had been a patient of tha hospital for about a month, Ing treatment for burns suffered Christmas al Amhersl, Tex, He Is survived by his wife, Qeorg' ia Lee, two daughters, Joyce and Elizabeth, and Iwo sons, Bobby and thorities lo see them have failed.

Wallace Toronto, head of the Mormon church in Czechoslovakia, emblem, as a birthday present. Among those from Clovis who at- 1949 exceeded that In 1948 by tended the dinner he said. In 1949. Ihe The total of all throe series in "MUappcarcd" in the province of sald Abbolr 2 3, came from Lehlgh. Moruvift Jan.

embassy said 11 has asked Utah, and Johnson, 22, was a resident of Idaho Falls, Idaho. and Mis "Bus" Jones Sectt-taiy amount placed in was less the foreign min- anrl Mrs. Milton Davidson. Mi and than thai In 1948 bv 518.100. istry to supply information "con- Mn, M.

Gov. Con- "it gralifyin" to know thai, r.erning the welfare and where- over Ivvu years, and Di.slrict Secretary Pete county residents are increasing jabouts" of missionaries Stanley The Mormon church has met Miller. their "savings through the Savings! Abbott and C. Aldon Johnson. difficulties from the Czech gov- Bond plan." the county chairman' While the embassy made no'ernrnent since last May.

Since WIATHIR Albyaueroue Population Estimated r. population estimaterl at 9H.IMIII today In posliniislcr A. billed estimate on the number of pr-rsoiis reOditiK Ihe limits uho arc irail Populntlon RI Alliuquer- que at Hi.000 the postmaster. bit 70 balmy wither 6:30 ft.m. morning was 34 degrees.

At o'clock it was 38 degrees. Skies overcast. NEW MEXICO Partly cloudy i i n-w with licht ReleaSeCl county compared to diplomatic sources said the'been ordered expelled from the or snow northern SI29.0-18 for Roosevelt county; two men were arrested by Czech. country on charges of "endanger- mountains; clear tonight and Two Clovis women reportedly Quav 5929.303 police near Olomouc on unspeci- ing the safety and security of the Thursday; cooler today and tonight. filming at a Tues- counf's and firrl ''barges.

istale." i High today 40-50 northwest, 60-7Q ftficmoon at T' were leleas- Hi? Raca comii'v TIT lp a '''hcs" sources said the mission-. Otomouc. second largest city in low tonight 5 northern af'ei wholp "mspsird Sl''n'jSTi6 in bpr-i i Moravin. is about UOi) miles south-1mountains. 15-25 elsewhere said mention of arrests, reliable west-; then 13 of its missionaries have Weostet and Hawkins, bonds dunnt the al1 effortt of American au- east of.

Prague. '30-40 south..

Clovis News-Journal from Clovis, New Mexico (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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